Has San Lake Mutual located in Buffalo, MN. began from one of its predecessor companies incorporating in 1867 (San Francisco Mutual) in the State of Minnesota. It is formed from the strengths of Hassan Mutual, San Francisco Mutual and Lake Town Mutual merging in 1997. Hassan and Lake Town were formed by German settlers and San Francisco Mutual by Swedish settlers. All of the mutual’s operated under Chapter 67A of the Minnesota Statutes as does the existing company today. Has San Lake Mutual currently writes business in 20 counties in East Central part of Minnesota. Has San Lake Mutual currently insures approximately 4300 policies in Minnesota. Has San Lake Mutual according to Statutes writes fire insurance and additional lines of coverage in 20 counties in east central Minnesota. We currently also write coverage in 14 cities of the 2nd class. We write a packaged dwelling owner’s policy and a packaged farm policy with statewide mutual’s. Our current package partners are North Star Mutual Insurance Co., Cottonwood, MN. and RAM Mutual Insurance Co., Esko, MN.

Has San Lake Mutual currently has over 40 agency partners with a number of those agencies having multiple agency locations. Within those agencies we have over 150 appointed agents. We have a very large and progressive agency force. We service these agents through a workforce of 6 full time employees.



Inspector/Adjuster Doug Flugum, General Manager/Treasurer Gary L. Swearingen, Underwriter Denise Swearingen, Underwriter Britni Grossinger, Office Coordinator Lisa Saturley, Inspector/Adjuster Josh Jaskowiak, not in photo Clerical and Policy ReviewTaylar Swearingen.
HSLM in Office Staff

Undwriter Britni Grossinger, Office Coordinator Lisa Saturley, Underwriter Denise Swearingen, and Clerical and Policy review Taylar Swearingen


General Manager/Treasurer Gary L. Swearingen, PFMM,FMDC,TEAM, President Richard Giebenhain, Vice President Joe Fahey Jr., Secretary Daniel Zachman, Darcy Kvam, William Van Bergen, Ed Gertken, and Dan Anselment.
Packaging Partners:

North Star